3 Successful Writers with Multiple Streams of Income

One of the things we have emphasized in The Writer’s Path is the importance of developing multiple streams of income for your writing business. Today, I want to share three writers who are great examples of what we’ve been talking about in this series. Each of them has a clear message for a specific audience, they use multiple platforms to share their content, they create content consistently (including multiple books), they have been expanding their network for years, and they have used their writing and books as a basis for building multiple streams of income.

Keep in mind that I don’t know everything about their businesses—this is my best estimate based on what I know and have observed.

  1. Dan Miller
  • Website: https://48days.com; https://48dayseagles.com/
  • Core message: The value of building a business with multiple income streams.
  • Main platforms: Long-running 48 Days podcast and email newsletter
  • Income streams: Many books, membership community, mastermind, online courses, DiSC profile, live events, affiliates
  1. John Stange
  • Websites: https://desirejesus.com; https://platformlaunchers.com
  • Core messages: Practicing your faith (spirituality); how to develop a platform
  • Main platforms: Several podcasts, email newsletter
  • Income streams: Several podcasts with sponsors, couple dozen books, affiliates, membership community, speaking
  1. Honorée Corder
  • Website: https://honoreecorder.com
  • Core message: You must write a book.
  • Main platforms: Email newsletter, frequent podcast guest
  • Income streams: Mastermind, courses, dozens of books, coaching, speaking, book marketing services, certifications, writing collaborations, referrals

These are only three examples—there are many more I could mention, but you get the picture. The main idea here is not to get overwhelmed by other people’s success. These three have all been involved with their business for many years. I just want you to see what’s possible!

Daily Question: I’ve asked this question before… but it’s worth repeating: Do you believe amazing success is possible for you?