Dan Miller: Turn Your Writing Into Dollars

My guest today is Dan Miller, and he’s the author of an amazing book that has impacted so many people, 48 Days to the Work and Life You Love (which was recently released with a new edition). Dan has also written many other books and has been the host of the 48 Days podcast for over ten years without missing a single week. That’s impressive!

Over the last five or six years, there has been no one who has had more impact on my life as a business owner than Dan Miller. That’s because he has not only directly impacted my life, but it seems that pretty much everyone I know in this space is also connected with Dan! Other people who have impacted my life were also impacted by Dan… so I would absolutely not be where I am today without his work in influencing so many people to build a life and business they love.

On this episode, you’ll hear some amazing stories from Dan’s adventures as an author, including how he developed the first edition of the 48 Days book, why a book is like a business card, what it means to have SWISS dollars, and how his podcast has helped grow his business.

You can connect with Dan via the 48 Days website or Facebook, and be sure to check out 48DaysEagles.com