One of the most helpful perspectives we can adopt as writers is understanding that we don’t have an objective view of reality.
This is hard to hear because most of us naturally believe we see things as they are. We assume we can see ourselves and everyone else clearly, as they are. We trust that our perceptions about our giftedness and other people’s talent are basically on target.
But that’s almost never the case. In truth, we tend to underestimate our own potential, while overestimating everyone else’s. In other words, we think everyone else deserves success while we don’t.
Not everyone sees the world this way, of course, but most writers do. When we see other people succeed, we believe they deserved it more or are probably more talented than we are. But the reality is that they probably just worked harder, or had better connections, or were more creative with their marketing.
So the question is: Why not you? Why shouldn’t you also get to experience this success? Is there any reason you shouldn’t be just as successful as the next person?
They are no more deserving than you are. In fact, none of us truly deserves anything in this life. We all start with nothing, and we will exit this life not being able to carry anything with us into the next realm.
Success in your writing doesn’t have anything to do with what anyone deserves or doesn’t deserve. Success comes as a result of actions you take consistently over time. Yes, some people are more connected, some have more resources, and so forth. But all that is irrelevant.
So don’t ask, “Why them?” Instead, ask “Why not me?” Success doesn’t come to those who deserve it… instead, it comes to those who work for it.