When Are You Going to Write?

We human beings have an amazing capacity for deception. We will go to almost any length to avoid facing the truth or giving a concrete answer to a question that makes us uncomfortable.

And let’s face it: we writers are pretty good with words and language! But this gift comes at a steep price. The price is that it’s easy to dodge the question of when we are actually going to write.

It’s fairly easy to deceive others. We can tell them we will write later. Perhaps after dinner or on our lunch break. Or early in the morning or late at night. As long as they aren’t physically checking up on us, we can squirm our way past the question of when we’re going to write.

But there is a much more dangerous kind of deception, and that is when we deceive ourselves. We can make up all kinds of stories, reasons, and excuses as to why we’re not going to write today. We’re sick. We’re tired. We have too many other things to do. Other people messed up our schedule. The list goes on.

The author Natalie Goldberg gives us some great advice when she says this:

“I hear people say they’re going to write. I ask, when? They give me vague statements. Indefinite plans get dubious results. When we’re concrete about our writing time, it alleviates that thin constant feeling of anxiety that writers have . . .”

Maybe the reason you feel anxious about writing is that you haven’t set a firm, concrete time when you’re going to actually get the writing done. Don’t be vague. Don’t try to dodge the question. Just be clear and direct. Set a time and a place, and have a goal for how long or how much you’re going to write.

This single habit alone will clear up a lot of your stress and anxiety about writing. When you’ve made the decision about when to write and simply get to work, everything becomes much easier.

Daily Question: When are you going to write today? Be specific.