Why Are You So Busy?

The most common complaint about writing is that it takes time. There is nothing that keeps people from writing more than the idea that they simply don’t have the time to write. That’s why so many writing resources—including this podcast—focus on helping people be more productive with their writing.

Everyone knows that we in the modern world are busy. It’s hard to squeeze in writing time. But maybe it’s good to stop and ask what has us so busy these days.

Is it too many obligations and commitments? Lots of movies, YouTube, and TV? Other hobbies or projects? Several small kids in the house or maybe a spouse or parent who requires lots of time and care? Maybe an extra job to help make ends meet?

Certainly, some of these are legitimate things that keep us busy. But not all of them. The vast majority of people have more control over their schedule than they realize.

Take a look at all the things that are keeping you busy—all the activities that take up your time each day and week. Are they really necessary? Are they contributing to your quality of life? Are they helping you reach your long-term goals as a writer?

If not, it’s probably time to re-evaluate how you are spending your time. So much of our lives are spent doing things others expect us to do. Maybe it’s time to stop focusing so much on what others want from you, and spend more time on the things YOU want.