Brigitte Cutshall: The Formula for Publishing a Quality Book

Welcome to the Saturday edition of the Daily Writer. Each weekday, we bring you a short lesson that helps you live out the four practices of a successful writer: Creativity, Consistency, Courage, and Connection. Here on the weekend edition, we take a deeper dive into those topics through conversations with writers and teaching that helps us apply what we’re learning. For more, you can visit us at

Whenever I talk to new writers, the most overwhelming emotion I sense from them is confusion. There are so many options and resources for writing and publishing a book that it’s hard to know what to do next.

Fortunately, there is a clear pathway forward, and my friend Brigitte Cutshall is here today to walk us through the formula for publishing a quality book. In fact, the title of her new fantastic book is Quality Book Formula: Professionally Publish Your Book for Excellence.

Brigitte is a Solutions Consultant and the Founder of Gemini Media. She knows all the secrets to publishing a quality book after spending three decades in the print media industry. She started Gemini Media to share her insider knowledge of the best solutions with content creators like you. The solutions she offers include production services, print project management, strategic sourcing, and content development.

In this conversation, Brigitte and I get pretty deep into the “geeky” side of publishing, shipping issues, and what it takes to create a fantastic print book. She is a creative genius and it was a blast having her on the show!

You can pick up your copy of Brigitte’s book, or connect with her through the links below:

Quality Book Formula: Professionally Publish Your Book for Excellence

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