Create Your Own Podcast

In yesterday’s episode, we talked about the power of being a guest on other people’s podcasts. Today, we will turn the tables and talk about the importance of starting your own podcast.

Podcasting is a powerful and inexpensive way to build an audience and share your ideas. One of the big advantages of podcasting over video is that people can listen to podcasts, while they are doing other things such as walking, driving, or chores.

People also listen to podcasts for much longer than they view videos. It is not unusual for a listener to tune into a podcast for an hour or two per week. When you are “in someone’s head” for that much time, they develop an intimate relationship with you as a listener.

You don’t have to do a podcast about writing. It can be about any topic you’re interested in. Podcasting is a phenomenal way to build relationships, and establish your credibility and expertise on a topic.

Daily Question: If you started a podcast, what would you talk about, and whom would the target audience be?