Who Are Your Six?

Have you ever heard someone refer to your “six”? It refers to the six people who will carry your casket at your funeral.

Kind of morbid, isn’t it? But it’s important because it reminds us that we will all die someday. We all have an expiration date on our lives.

I want you to think about the six people in your life who would indeed carry your casket. How often do you speak to them? How close would you say these friends are to you?

If you have a hard time answering those questions, maybe it’s worth reconsidering how much time and energy you invest into those friendships.

I get it. We’re all busy with writing and other creative pursuits and commitments. But it’s not the only aspect of your life. You have family, friends, community, health, and other commitments. Writing is only one part of a bigger picture.

Don’t neglect your most important friendships and relationships to pursue your art or build a platform. Fans and readers and listeners can be fickle. They will only stick around as long as you give them something of value. But friendships are forever. Those are the people who stick with you through thick and thin. So make sure you’re investing time in those relationships and not spending all your time and energy on your writing.

Daily Question: Can you name your six?