Focus on This Instead

In your life as a writer, there are many things you get to choose: how and when you write, what kind of material you create, the type of platform you want to build, and so much more.

But there is one thing none of us gets to decide: the times in which we live.

Right now is a period of civil unrest, religious conflict, an uncertain economy, political leaders people don’t trust, and a pace of change that is far too fast than most of us are comfortable with. However, you could say the same for any period of history.

Don’t spend your time and emotional energy worrying about things you can’t change. Instead, focus on setting and achieving your goals, being productive, and adding value to the world through your writing. After all, it’s the only thing you really have any control over.

If you’ve ever seen the Lord of the Rings movies, you’ll probably remember these lines from The Fellowship of the Ring:

FRODO: I wish the Ring had never come to me… I wish none of this had happened.

GANDALF: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.

What a great reminder for all of us… we must make good use of the time that is given to us by focusing on what we can control.

Question: How much time and energy do you spend on things you can control versus things you can’t?