Start Writing Today: Articles

In this week’s shorter episodes, we’re talking about a few ways to start writing today. A great way to do this is by writing articles.

Yesterday, I talked about writing blog posts. Articles are similar to blog posts, except they are posted on other places besides your website.

You can write for magazines, journals, newsletters, newspapers, or even other blogs and websites. You can also post these articles on social media, such as Facebook or LinkedIn. The possibilities are endless.

The big question everybody wrestles with is, “Where do I start?” It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the options, so let me present two great ones.

The first is writing articles for other bloggers. This is a super easy win. If you know someone who writes about the same topics you do, ask if they would be willing to do an article swap.

I remember a few years ago when a few other bloggers and myself did a series on leadership in the movies, and we did guest appearances on each other’s blogs. It was a blast.

The second is to submit an article to a site where you can get accepted fairly easily. I recommend The Good Men Project. This is a large media site with several million visitors per month. I used to be a lead editor there, as well as a writer. They are always looking for new writers. Plus, it’s a great way to hone your writing skills and build your audience.

For example, one time I wrote an article on the singer Tony Bennet, and his manager saw it and emailed me, saying that he loved the article. Tony is world-famous and has been making music for decades. He’s in his 90’s, and he’s quite a big deal in the music world.

You never know what might happen when you start writing for other outlets besides your own blog.

Question: If you had to write an article today for a place other than your own website or blog, where would it be?