New Year’s Goal: Make More Money in 2023

We’re doing a short series on New Year’s Goals for writers in 2023. Over the last couple of days, we’ve talked about writing a book, and joining a writing group, this year.

Today, I want to challenge you with a topic that makes some writers uncomfortable: making money.

Why does it make some writers uncomfortable? Because many writers are only concerned with the creative side of writing. They’d rather hole up in their office, work on their books, and never think about the marketing or business side of what they do.

If that describes you, consider these questions:

What if you could make a part-time or full-time living as a writer? How would that change your life?

What if you had more income to attend conferences, take courses, or join a mastermind on writing?

What if your income was at a level where you could be more generous to causes you care about?

What would it feel like to have regular money coming in from your writing-based business—income from book royalties, courses, a membership, client work, and more?

I ask you those questions because I want you to dream about what could happen when you have more income from your writing. As a writer, you DESERVE to be paid for your creative work. If this topic interests you, go back and check out the podcast series I recently did on Making Money as a Writer. It will open your eyes to the possibilities!

So this year, I want you to be thinking about the amazing things that could happen when you increase your writing income. I worked as a college professor for many years, and over time, I built up my writing business so that I was able to quit and do writing full-time.

It happened for me, and it can happen for you, too.

Today’s Challenge: Write down three things you would do with the extra money you could make from writing this year.