The Power of Anti-Goals: 3 Things to STOP Doing This Year

Here, in the first part of the year, everyone focuses on what they will accomplish in the coming year. This is fun and exciting since we are, by nature, people who like to start and build things.

We’re writers, after all—we are wired to create!

However, one of the dangers of being part of the creative entrepreneur culture is that it’s easy to get sucked into the mindset of always doing more. On today’s episode, I’ll share three “anti-goals” to keep in mind this year. These are not things to add to your plate… instead, they are things to STOP doing.

Being a successful writer isn’t just about doing the right things. It’s also about getting rid of the wrong things.

This is the teaching portion of a recent Daily Writer Club call. On our weekly call, we also have a time of discussion and application. If you’d like to be a part of our encouraging and growing community, check it out at