Teresa McCloy & Lindsay Sterchi on Organizing a Creative Book Launch

One of the core functions of being an author is launching your books. After you’ve written a book and gone through all the steps to publish it… it has to be launched out into the world.

I’ve seen book launches in all shapes and sizes. I’ve done a few of my own, in addition to helping my ghostwriting clients with their launches at times. As important as book launches are, it’s easy to forget that a book doesn’t launch itself. It takes time and energy to ensure people know about your book and how it can help them.

I’m excited to have my friends Teresa McCloy and Lindsay Sterchi on the show today to talk about Teresa’s recent launch for her book Do What Matters: Live From Rest, Not Rush, Using The REALIFE Process®.

I was honored to be one of the few dozen people who received a very cool book launch box from Teresa before the launch last Fall. I also attended a fantastic book launch party in Effingham, Illinois. Teresa and Lindsay did an incredible job making this one of the most creative and fun book launches I’ve ever seen.

Let me share a bit about Teresa and Lindsay.

Teresa McCloy is the creator of the REALIFE Process®, a faith-focused company that helps entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants develop and diversify their businesses through certification, content, coaching, and community to grow their impact and increase their income.

She is an ACC Certified Leadership & Life Coach through the International Coaching Federation, Podcaster, and Keynote Speaker. As a recovering workaholic who was addicted to all the latest apps, software, and best-selling books on productivity, Teresa is passionate about helping others assess their habits and execute a process to take their everyday, ordinary life to something extraordinary through REALIFE™ Being, Action, Time, and Living.

Teresa lives with her husband Dale on their 3rd Generation family grain farm in South Central Illinois. She still drives a tractor when needed and loves a great cup of coffee or a long lingering meal with friends!

Lindsay Sterchi is the Marketing Director at the REALIFE Process® with Teresa McCloy, developing vision and content for the website, social media, and external marketing. Lindsay served as the Launch Team Leader for Teresa’s book, Do What Matters.

She is also a Content & Copywriter who helps coaches and business owners clarify their message through written content. She loves taking complex ideas and putting them into clear, concise, and compelling wording.

Lindsay lives in Effingham, IL with her husband Tyler, Lead Pastor at New Hope Church, and her twin daughters Addy and Lissy. She has an M.A. in Transformational Leadership from Bethel Seminary and a B.A. in Communication Studies.

In this interview, I got to ask Teresa and Lindsay all my geeky questions about how they put together this fun book launch, including the gift box, launch event, and the book publishing itself.

I highly recommend that you check out Teresa’s book by visiting https://dowhatmattersbook.com!