Clear the Clutter: Podcasts & Email Subscriptions

Today, we’re continuing our “Clear the Clutter” series. The last couple of days we’ve talked about cleaning up your digital life, specifically, computer files and unanswered emails.

Now I want to help you clear even more digital and mental clutter by letting go of subscriptions to podcasts and email newsletter subscriptions that aren’t helping you.

This might seem ironic, given that you’re consuming this content right now either in the form of a podcast episode or an email newsletter. Obviously, you find this helpful or you wouldn’t be here.

But what about all those podcasts and email subscriptions clogging up your podcast player and inbox? You know, the ones you might get to someday… but probably won’t? You should let go of them.

I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity we have as content creators today. Anyone with a computer and internet connection can be a writer, author, or podcaster.

That also means, however, that there is far more content being produced than you can ever consume. So rather than trying to consume more and more, I teach that you should only consume things that you find really compelling, or that are helping you right now.

Here’s a simple way to decide what you should keep. I call it the “six-week test.” If you have read or listened to it in the last 6 weeks, or if you plan on reading or listening to it in the next six weeks, then keep it. Otherwise, unsubscribe from it.

I just went through my podcast app and unsubscribed from 15 podcasts using this method! Now, I feel less stressed when deciding which episodes to listen to.

You might ask, “What if there’s something good in those emails or podcasts that I’ll miss if I unsubscribe?”

Good question. I believe if something is important and is meant to be in your life, it will come around again at just the right time. Plus, since it’s digital, it will always be there to consume anyway.

Your time is limited. You only have so much bandwidth for email newsletters and podcasts. Let go of the ones you’re not using so you can focus on the ones that are truly valuable for you right now in your journey.

Today’s Challenge: Look through your inbox and podcasts, then delete the ones you’re not using. Don’t overthink it. It needs to be a clear “yes” in order for it to continue taking up space in your life.