Children’s Book Author Beth Ann Ramos on Creating a Kids’ Book Series

One of the major trends I’ve seen in the last couple of years is the number of nonfiction authors who want to write children’s books. I’m not sure about the reasons behind this. Part of it may be due to the pandemic. The world is changing fast and those of us in mid-life are starting to embrace our creative side more… which is a good thing!

Part of it is also due to a bigger acceptance of children’s books as a wonderful outlet for authors and business leaders. I’ve thought about writing children’s books myself!

Which is why I’m excited to share this conversation with my good friend Beth Ann Ramos. She is an author, entrepreneur, and health advocate. Beth started her career in corporate marketing but left it all behind to focus on being a stay-at-home mom.

Beth has reinvented herself professionally multiple times as she worked to create a fulfilling work life that prioritized her young family.

In 2021, Beth founded Good Day Books to create and share encouraging and affirming content. However, she soon found a knack for writing and illustrating children’s books that empower kids while helping businesses create goodwill with existing clients and foster relationships with new ones.

Beth’s first book, I’m Getting New Glasses, was published last year, and she recently released the follow-up, When I Take Care of Me. She and her husband have two young boys, and they live in Texas.

Beth shares why she loves writing children’s books, the process for writing and creating them, how she has marketed them, and much more. This was a really inspiring conversation that made me want to immediately start writing my own kids’ books!