Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz on Go For No! and How to Handle Rejection

One of the themes we frequently talk about on the Daily Writer Podcast, as well as the Daily Writer Club, is the reality that all authors are businesspeople. Anytime you provide a product or service in exchange for money, you have a business.

This is especially true for those of us who write our own books in addition to doing client work such as ghostwriting, editing, or copywriting. However, many writers and creative types struggle with selling.

That’s why I’m excited to bring you this interview with the amazing Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz!

Richard and Andrea are the founders of Courage Crafters, Inc., and the authors of the best-selling book, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There, and many others, including their brand-new book, When They Say No: The Definitive Guide for Handling Rejection in Sales. They speak internationally, teaching business, sales, and entrepreneurial audiences how to overcome their fear of rejection and achieve extraordinary sales success by hearing ‘no’ more often.

Their business-building strategies have been embraced by people in various businesses and industries to rave reviews and amazing results. Richard and Andrea are also producers of a 98-minute personal development movie, and their “Go for No!” philosophy has been featured in hundreds of online and offline publications including Inc. Magazine, Forbes, Success Magazine, and many more.

The book, Go for No! reached #1 on Amazon’s “Selling” book list in 2010. The book has remained in the top 50 of ‘Sales’ books for the last 12 years and has become a well-known methodology in the world of selling, widely recognized as the singular best program for dealing with rejection in business. For more on Go for No! visit

In our conversation, Richard and Andrea walk us through the story of how they wrote Go For No!, why they wrote it as a story, and how sensitive writers can handle rejection and use it to build success. We also spend some time in the second half of the conversation talking about how to handle prospective clients who have ghosted you. I think you’ll find this very helpful!