We all know that reading is a vital part of the creative process. You need to have other inputs such as listening to great talks, watching videos and movies, seeing plays, and other ways to experience great art and content.
But above all, you must read.
Here is a simple method for reading more: take a book everywhere you go. If you have a smartphone and an app for reading ebooks, you are already taking books with you. However, let’s assume you prefer print books, as many writers do.
Think of all the spare moments you have throughout the day. Ten minutes while you’re waiting to pick up your kid from school. Fifteen minutes while you’re waiting to get your license renewed at the DMV. Five minutes when you’re waiting for your husband or wife in the store. Twenty minutes before your next online meeting.
You don’t necessarily need to block off huge chunks of time to read. There are plenty of spare moments that add up to thirty or even sixty minutes a day. Those little bits of time can have a huge impact on your mindset and creative thinking.
Mark Twain said, “A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.” As a writer, it’s important to take advantage of all the books and knowledge you have at your disposal today. You might be surprised at how much reading you can get done when you use those little pockets of time you have throughout the day.
Today’s Challenge: Can you name three little pockets of time you’ve had in the last day when you could have been reading?