A Declaration Worth Making

On July 4th, 1776, the Second Continental Congress pronounced that it was officially independent of British rule. Known as the Declaration of Independence, this document made it clear that the thirteen colonies had their own sovereign identity. They would no longer be content to stay under the rule of another entity.

July 4th is a uniquely American holiday, but there is another kind of declaration that every writer should make, no matter their nationality. This declaration communicates a simple truth to the world. The writer Jeff Goins alluded to it in the title of his profound book: You Are a Writer.

But what does it mean to declare to the world that you are a writer?

It means that you call yourself a writer. You tell others about your work. You aren’t afraid of other people’s reactions when you tell them you’re a writer. Ultimately, it means that you courageously stand up and tell the world, “I have something to share.”

When you embrace your identity as a writer and begin sharing your voice, other people will embrace you as a writer, too. So go ahead. Make the declaration. Today is a great day to tell the world you are a writer.

Daily Question: Do you believe you are a writer? Are you ready to declare it to the world?