Action Beats Intention

The main theme of this podcast is writing every day. After all, it’s the very title of the show! But sometimes people ask, “Do you mean actually write every day?”

And yes, I mean write something every day. But what am I suggesting that you write? Here is my definition: write something that advances your goals as a writer. That can include material for your blog, book, podcast, or some other type of content that helps you reach your goals. But it can also be just writing in your journal.

Now, whether you include weekends, or whether you actually do it every day is completely up to you. But I liken this to someone who is trying to live a healthy lifestyle. If you want to be healthy, you eat healthy every day, not just when you feel like it.

So, the real question is, “How healthy do you want to be as a writer?” If you want to be in tip-top shape, I encourage you to write every day, preferably the first thing in the morning when your mind is fresh, before you have started checking email and getting into the details of the day.

But the main thing is not when you write, but if you write. Long or short, morning or evening, computer or notebook, it doesn’t matter. Just write something—anything. Your actions are far more important than the best intentions followed with no action. Action beats intention, every single time.

So I must ask… have you written today?