All Progress is Progress

Social media for authors can be great because it lets us connect with so many others around the world.

It also has a downside, which is feeling jealous when you see the wins other writers are having. Let’s be honest: we’ve all felt it!

Even though we see their wins, we don’t see the struggle, failure, or heartaches that went into creating those wins.

That’s why you need to celebrate every inch of progress you’re making as a writer.

Did you write some words today? That’s a win.

Did you learn something about publishing? That’s a win.

Did you attend a session for your writing group? That’s a win.

Did you have lunch or set up a chat with another writer? That’s a win.

Did you talk to an editor or graphic designer about your next book project? That’s a win.

Did you spend some time marketing? That’s a win.

Whatever you did today to further your writing and author business, you won.

Remember the fable about the tortoise and the hare? The tortoise won because he kept plodding along, making constant progress.

Slow and steady wins the race. The only person you need to keep score against is the person you were yesterday. All progress is progress!

Today’s Challenge: Find an author who has recently posted a win on social media and congratulate them on making consistent progress and getting a cool win. Then see what you can learn from them.