Annabelle Healy & Mason Hagner: Young Writers Who are Making a Difference

In this blog post, I’m honored to be joined by two young writers: Annabelle Healy and Mason Hagner. I thought it would be a blast to feature a couple of young writers who have gotten a great start as authors. I believe strongly that people of all ages should be writing, including kids and teens.

My first guest is Annabelle Healy, who recently published her novel Far Below Human Eyes with Morgan James Publishing. Her novels have received multiple awards, including a gold medal from the national Scholastic Art and Writing competitions, which places her beside award alumni such as Stephen King and Truman Capote. She lives in Colorado with her parents and five little siblings.

My second guest is Mason Hagner. At ten years old, he was a youth athlete who was working hard, but not getting the results he wanted. His dad had taught him to never give up and keep working at it. He decided to write a children’s book about his experience of seeing things through, even when they are difficult. His children’s book is titled Never Give Up No Matter What.

I recorded these conversations separately, but both Annabelle and Mason talk about their process of writing, who encouraged them, and how they got it done. These conversations were a blast and I encourage you to grab both of their books.

Annabelle Healy

Far Below Human Eyes by Annabelle Healy





Mason Hagner

Never Give Up No Matter What by Mason Hagner