Are You Publishing Your Work?

This week, we’ve been talking about ways to be a more productive writer.

I have often talked about the importance of finishing a first draft of your book quickly.

I’m not saying you should be sloppy or rush through things. You should make your book, or any writing for that matter, as good as it can be.

But the fact remains that we all have limited time on this earth. Your #1 goal should be to get your current project finished and published, and then move on to the next thing.

We make this whole writing thing overly complicated sometimes.

Make your book excellent, have it edited, work with a good designer, figure out your marketing plan, and then hit “publish” on that sucker.

You won’t become a better writer by continually tinkering with your current project and never actually pulling the publish trigger. You’ll get better by doing more work and learning from each one, while getting feedback along the way.

The author Dan Poynter was one of the early advocates of self-publishing. He said, “If you wait for inspiration to write you’re not a writer, you’re a waiter.”

I’ll go a step further. Even waiters deliver something to the table.

So, make it your goal to deliver your work to your hungry readers who have been waiting for your book.

Today’s Challenge: Finish that book you’re working on and publish it.