Becky Kopitzke on Making Money and Serving God with Your Writing

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you’re probably familiar with my story. I used to be a pastor, then I was a teacher at a Christian college for a long time before I made ghostwriting and coaching my main gig. I am extremely familiar with the tension that comes from wanting to make a living with writing, while also at times wrestling with guilt and uncertainty because of how the Christian community sometimes views money and commerce.

I’m excited to bring you this conversation with my friend Becky Kopitzke to help shed some light on this issue and give us some new insights.

Becky is an author, blogger, writing coach, and co-founder of The Inspired Business (formerly Ministry to Business), which helps authors generate recurring income from digital products. At one time, Becky’s husband called her author career a hobby, as her income was no match to her expenses and time spent. She soon discovered that making money in ministry is biblical, helps expedite our kingdom purposes, and can contribute to, not drain, the family income.

In this conversation, we dive into some weighty issues surrounding ministry, calling, and money. Yes, we are going there in this episode! This was one of the most insightful and spirited conversations I’ve been privileged to participate in this year. I think you will be inspired and challenged also.

You can connect with Becky and sign up for her complimentary consultation through the links below:

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