Can You Make It Rain Harder?

Every day of your life, you face a storm of challenges that make it easy for you to put off your writing until tomorrow.

What do you do when the rain comes? Most people pack up and go home whenever they see the storm clouds on the horizon.

Most people, that is, except for the Purple One.

It was February 4, 2007—the day of Super Bowl XLII. Prince was scheduled to perform the halftime show, but there was only problem: it was pouring rain, with no signs of letting up. This was a problem for a number of reasons, not the least of which was because Prince was using a total of four electric guitars during the show. In addition, he and the band, as well as the dancers in high heels, were all performing on a stage that was not only shaped like his insignia, but was also covered in slick tile that was even more dangerous when it got wet.

Don Mischer, the head of the production company for the halftime show, placed an anxious phone call to Prince. He explained that it was pouring rain and wanted to make sure Prince was okay.

Prince replied, “Can you make it rain harder?”

Instead of cancelling his appearance or doing a stripped-down setlist, Prince played the halftime show as scheduled. When he ended the set with his signature song, “Purple Rain,” it was a complete downpour that added a perfect theatrical element. Many people consider Prince’s performance the best Super Bowl halftime show of all time.

You have your own storm clouds to deal with in your creative pursuits also. Are you dealing with a frustrating client? Is it hard to move past writer’s block? Are you struggling with some new strategies for writing, publishing, or marketing?

If so—and we are all struggling with SOMETHING, by the way—if so, don’t run away and hide. Don’t tone it down. Instead, do just the opposite. Go out on the stage and perform in the pouring rain. Face the storm head-on and put on the best show of your life.

Daily Question: What is the biggest frustration in your writing life, and how can you charge into it head-on?