Mark Gottlieb on Finding & Working with a Literary Agent
As writers, we spend a lot of time focusing on helping other people tell their stories. Maybe you do client work, coaching, run a writing ...
There are few things in life as powerful as a handwritten note sent through the mail. Why? Because we all want to feel noticed. We ...
All of us deal with a certain amount of friction as writers. Even under the best of circumstances, there are obstacles and problems that threaten ...
If someone gave you the assignment to write a sentence without the letter E, how would you respond? Would you think it’s too difficult, or ...
Have you ever thought about why do so many writing projects get started, but never get finished? Lots of people want to write a book, ...
We all know that Amazon and other print-on-demand companies give authors an amazing opportunity to get our books out into the world without having to ...
One of my very best friends is a guy named Eric Elder. He is a musician, author, and creative genius who runs A few ...
There’s something that has been bothering you. It’s like a pebble in your shoe that irritates you just enough that you think about it all ...
This is the seventh and final entry in our mini-series on dealing with rejection. Rejection is not fun, but it still has an important place ...
In this episode, I begin a series on the making of my Father’s memoir of his experiences in Vietnam. I’ll be writing it with him ...