Choose Your Model

It’s a blessing and a curse to live in the internet age. It’s a blessing, of course, because we have access to unlimited knowledge and connections. There are a million options for where you want to take your writing business or creativity.

This also represents a curse because, well, too many options is overwhelming. It’s easy to get paralyzed by all the different models of a writing career. Should you do fiction? Should you do courses or a podcast? What about public speaking? Should you start or join a mastermind? What about putting together a community? How many books should you write a year?

For any conceivable model of a writing career, there exists someone out there who is doing it. Here is my best advice: Choose one person who represents the kind of career you want to build and then consume everything they put out. Subscribe to their email newsletter. Read their books and listen to their podcast if they have one. Follow and interact with them on social media.

Then you can see what you like or don’t like about what they do, and adjust accordingly. Don’t follow a dozen people because you will only get confused and frustrated. Just pick one person who is a few steps ahead of you, then figure out how they built their platform or business.

By the way, a little secret that helps is to reply occasionally to that person’s email newsletter and ask a question. They will appreciate the interaction and get to know you. It’s a great way to engage with an influencer.

Daily Question: Who is the writer you want to be like, and what do you like about their writing or business?