Christy Piper: How to Write About Difficult Topics

When you are writing straightforward how-to content, or perhaps writing for clients, it’s fairly easy to put your mind in third gear and follow a standard writing formula. But what happens when you are writing about highly emotional or sensitive topics? How can you communicate effectively but also do it in a way that honors you, the subject, and your listeners?

My guest today is here to walk us through this delicate situation. Her name is Christy Piper, and she is a human dynamics, mindset, and relationship expert. She developed strategies to rise above her circumstances, and teaches that you don’t have to stay stuck in the same predicaments in life. Christy emphasizes that you can level up your relationships and get what you deserve; ultimately, you can choose your role in life.

Christy just released her first book, Girl, You Deserve More: How to Break His Spell over You, Escape Your Toxic Partner, and Become Independent. In this conversation, we will explore why writing about difficult topics is hard and how to write about these topics effectively.

Christy also shares what she has learned about book marketing from her recent book launch. If you’re an introvert who typically doesn’t like marketing, you will appreciate your advice and strategies!

Click on the links below to enjoy Christy’s free handout, buy her book, schedule a consultation, or connect with her on social media:

Girl, You Deserve More: How to Break His Spell over You, Escape Your Toxic Partner, and Become Independent (Heal & Become Your Best Self) by Christy Piper

FREE Bonus Handout: How to Write a Book About a Difficult Topic by Christy Piper

Email Christy to book your FREE 15-minute consultation

FREE Book Bonus by Christy Piper

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