Don’t Apologize for What You Love

As writers, there is a constant pressure to conform to what we think others want from us. This influencer writes about a certain topic and has had a lot of success, so we feel we have to do the same. That writer has a specific style, so we try to mimic it, because we won’t be successful otherwise. Another person we respect just published a book that did very well, so we wonder if we should jump on the bandwagon also.

In the midst of trying to find your own voice, it is easy to get so enamored with other people we admire that we forget what made them successful in the first place: they found their unique voice and the topics they cared most about, and then they kept working at it until they carved out their own niche.

You can do the same thing. Sure, you can learn from other writers, and we all should be learning constantly. But you don’t need to mimic anyone else or try to copy their style. You have your own unique perspective and identity that the world needs to hear.

C. S. Lewis gave a great piece of advice when he said, “Write about what really interests you, whether it is real things or imaginary things, and nothing else.”

If there is a topic or style that you love, there are others who love it also. Never apologize for what you love. You will do the world a great service if you lean into your interests and show us why we should love it, too.