Embracing Your Identity as a Writer: Daily Writer Community Discussion

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you have heard me talk about the Daily Writer Community. This is a membership community I’ve put together to help writers improve their habits and mindset. 

In addition to all the other benefits of the DW Community, we have a group call each week. On this episode, I’m sharing a recording of a call we had a couple of months ago.  

This call featured my special guest, Bee Evans, from the Tear Out the Tags Podcast. Her platform and upcoming book are focused on helping us remove the labels that are holding us back. We had a fantastic and heartfelt conversation about embracing your identity as a writer with a few members of our community. 

If you’re interested in being a part of discussions like these, developing better habits, and honing your writing craft, then check out the Daily Writer Community page.