Getting Your Priorities Un-Mixed Up

We can all agree that being a writer is more complicated than it used to be.

Back in the days before the internet was a thing, being a working writer essentially meant that you submitted your articles to magazines and wrote books for publishers. There were other outlets, of course, but this was the bread and butter of writing.

Now, things are more complicated. There is marketing, social media, self-publishing options, speaking engagements, courses, and many other ways you can spend your time as a writer.

So what should you focus on?

Stephen Covey said, “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” This means we must figure out which things matter most as a writer.

It boils down to two things: writing and publishing. It’s doing what it takes to get the words written, then publishing those words in books, articles, blogs posts, social media, podcasts, or other outlets so the words can impact your readers.

That’s pretty much it. Writing and publishing. These are the priorities of every writer. When you feel confused or mixed up, ask yourself whether you’re doing these two things. They are the guiding light that will lead you toward your goals.