How to Identify Your Core Message

We’ve been talking this week about the importance of focusing on one core message as a writer, particularly in the beginning stages of your author journey.

But how do you actually go about doing this? Let me give you an example and then let’s talk about some simple ways to get clear on your message.

Here’s an example that you’re already familiar with because you’re listening to this podcast. The core message of the Daily Writer, which is my “brand” so to speak, is this: a regular writing habit is the foundation of everything else you want as a writer. Nothing else will happen until you write regularly.

Here’s the trick: I don’t think it is a matter of creating your message. It’s a matter of identifying it. You already know what it is. It’s the thing you talk about, write about, and like to research and think about.

You can also identify it this way: What makes you upset? What breaks your heart? What injustice or wrong do you want to correct in the world? This helps identify your passion.

Your core message is where your passion, your knowledge and gifts, and people’s needs come together. If you can figure out a message or core idea that meets all those, then you have a winner.

And when you hit on your core message, it must have an element of transformation built into it. How does it change people? How does it benefit their lives?

If you don’t know what your core message is, then your readers won’t either. Take a little time to put some thought into this, and it will have a radical impact on your writing.

Question: What is the message or topic where your passion, knowledge, and people’s needs