Jennifer Harshman: Morning & Evening Rituals for Writers

If you’ve been listening to my podcast for a while, then Jennifer Harshman is no stranger to you. She has been a guest a few times before, and each time she’s shared lots of wisdom about productivity and writing.

Jennifer is the owner of Harshman Services, an agency that provides editing and other services to authors and publishers. She is also the author of the wonderful book, Find a Real Editor: Avoiding the Posers and Scammers, which you can grab for free on Amazon.

Today, I’m excited to have her back on the show talking about morning and evening rituals for writers. This is a critical topic because how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. And the quality of our days is determined in large part by the rituals that bookend our days.

If you study highly successful people, you’ll usually find that they begin and end their days with specific rituals such as meditation, journaling, reading, and more. Jennifer shares some of her rituals, and we reflect on some related practices for success that are working for us right now.

You can get Jennifer’s book on Amazon, or you can connect with her on her website or Facebook.