Look for the Signposts

Years ago, author and teacher Parker Palmer wrote a profound little book called Let Your Life Speak. In the book, he writes, “Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.”

What does it mean to listen to your life? It means paying attention to the signposts telling you where you should go.

It is amazing how often we don’t see the signs right in front of us. These signs can take different shapes, such as what your gut is telling you, what you’re passionate about, and where you are experiencing success.

Those can all be indicators of what you should be doing with your life.

One of the most important signs comes from other people. Are there people in your life who have encouraged you in your writing? Perhaps teachers, parents, or friends?

If so, this is a sure sign that you need to lean into writing.

If you haven’t had people encourage you as a writer, no worries. It may be that you simply have not written and shared it with enough other people for them to affirm your gift.

Maybe you’ve had people be critical or dismissive about your writing. If so, remember that anybody who criticizes you without a loving spirit has the wrong attitude. Most of the time, other people’s criticism is driven by jealousy and a lack of affirmation in their own life.

As the saying goes, hurting people hurt people.

Pay attention to the signposts, especially from the people around you. Listen to the ones who encourage and affirm your writing. They are the ones pointing you in the right direction.

Today’s Challenge: Think about a person who has encouraged you as a writer. Take a moment today to write them a note or send a text thanking them for how they have added value to your life.