Make Your Own Luck

One of the greatest superhero movies ever made is 2008’s The Dark Knight. People love this movie for many reasons, the biggest of which is Heath Ledger’s fantastic performance as Batman’s arch-nemesis, the Joker.

One of the most underrated aspects of the film is Aaron Eckhart’s portrayal of Harvey Dent, the Gotham City District Attorney. Before he becomes the villain Two-Face, he is known for having such a positive outlook that he carries a two-headed coin and says, “I make my own luck.”

That’s a great attitude not only for comic book characters, but for every writer as well.

We live in an amazing age where we can instantly connect with almost anyone. We have multiple publishing options. We can build an audience without going through traditional gatekeepers. We can work from anywhere. The list goes on.

Are you going work your tail off? Yes. Is it going to take longer than you think? Yes. Are you going to want to give up every time it gets hard? Yes?

But is it worth it? Yes. A thousand times, yes.

There’s nobody stopping you. Success is yours for the taking. You make your own luck.

Challenge: Think about your biggest writing challenge today. Take the initiative to tackle it head-on and make your own luck.