Making Money as a Writer: Affiliate Marketing

We’ve been working our way through a series on Making Money as a Writer. On today’s episode, we’re talking about one of my favorite ways to create income, which is talking about things you already use and love… otherwise known as affiliate marketing.

As a writer, you use lots of different products and services. Many of those have an affiliate program that pays you a percentage of what they receive from the customer whenever the customer purchases through your individual affiliate link.

I love affiliate income because it’s like getting paid to recommend things you are already using. For example, I’m an affiliate for ConvertKit, the email marketing service. When people use my link to sign up with the service, I get a portion of what they pay ConvertKit. The basic idea is that ConvertKit is rewarding me for recommending their product because they may not have had that customer without my recommendation.

Another example is the course Book Marketing Mastery, created and taught by Honorée Corder. I promote this course a couple of times a week here on the podcast because Honorée is great, the course is great, and I know it’s something that will benefit you. Plus, it doesn’t cost you any more to sign up through my affiliate link because Honorée gives me a portion of what you pay her for the course.

And by the way, if you’d like to sign up for Book Marketing Mastery, visit and use the code “DailyWriter” (that’s all one word) to get 10% off.

One thing I want to mention is that an affiliate is different than a sponsor. The difference is in how you get paid. With an affiliate partnership, you get a percentage of what the customer pays the affiliate. With a sponsorship, the company or person behind the product or service you’re promoting pays you directly to advertise it. For example, starting next month, the Vellum app will be a paid sponsor of this podcast. That means they are paying me directly to promote their product on my show.

Here is the main key with affiliate marketing: you must do it in an ethical and responsible way. I never promote things that I don’t personally use or recommend, whether it’s an affiliate partnership or a sponsor. If you’re already using and recommending certain products or services, check to see if they have an affiliate program, then start promoting them in an ethical way. It’s a great way to grow your bank account and have a lot of fun in the process!

Question: What products or services are you already using that have an affiliate program?