Marketing is All About People

Remember the 1980’s movie “Field of Dreams” with Kevin Costner? He plays a farmer who is roaming out in his field one day, and he hears a voice. “Build it and he will come.” He has no idea what the voice means until he starts taking action and listening to the subsequent messages the voice gives him.

The idea of “build it and they will come” makes for a compelling movie, but it’s not true in the real world. People don’t show up just because you build something. Rather, people show up when they are interested or when they will receive something helpful or entertaining.

Remember, marketing is all about people. Many writers think that marketing is a curse word. They just want to write. They just want to create. But people won’t show up and be interested just because you’ve written something. You need to promote. You need to get onto podcasts as a guest. You need to be active on social media. You need to get out and interact with real people at events, conferences, workshops, having coffee with friends, and more.

Marketing is not a dirty word at all. Marketing is simply telling people when you’re excited about something. If you believe what you’re writing is helping people, marketing is the most loving and helpful thing you can do for others.

Daily Question: What are three things you can do this week to market your work and get the word out about your writing?