Media Coach Mary O’Donohue on the 6 Pillars of Media Success for Authors

Most authors focus on strategies such as email marketing and social media when connecting with readers and promoting their books. On today’s episode, you’ll hear from an expert who gives you the keys to unlock the power of traditional media—perhaps something you hadn’t considered before.

Mary O’Donohue is a Media Coach for Authors, #1 bestselling parenting author, and former post producer for “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” She has worked in high-profile television for decades including years on “The Today Show,” “NBC Nightly News,” and “Meet the Press.”

As founder of Authors In Media™, Mary teaches women nonfiction authors how to get publicity and do media interviews that sell books, expand their impact, and change the world.

Her unique coaching framework, The Media I.M.P.A.C.T. Method™, is a proven path to publicity with purpose, and has consistently led to author success in national media, with her clients reaching audiences of more than a billion people—so far.

In this conversation, you’ll learn how traditional media is different than other types of media, a few obstacles authors face when navigating traditional media, and the 6 pillars that create media success for authors.

And, as Mary mentions in the interview, she’s getting ready to offer her Publish to Prime Time program for women nonfiction authors. To find out more, you can book a time on her schedule.

In addition, I encourage you to download her free podcast one-sheet templates by visiting her website, I’ve already downloaded these myself and will be using them immediately!