Milestone #2: Build the Platforms Where You Will Share Your Content

Yesterday, we talked about the importance of getting specific about your core message and audience. Let’s move on to Milestone #2: Build the platforms where you will share your content.

Why it’s important: When you see other successful writers, it might seem like you should be everywhere. But that’s not the case. The ones who do seem to be everywhere probably have assistants creating a lot of that content, which is totally fine. I have an assistant, also, but that’s only been for the last year or so. Up until then, I did everything myself.

But when you’re starting out, you have to pick and choose where you want to be. A blog is essential. That is the baseline for a writer, in my opinion. An email newsletter is essential also. And then being on social media is crucial, although I recommend just focusing on 2-3 places.

Video is great if you feel motivated. The same is true for podcasting. I love podcasting but you have to really commit to it. The point is to choose your platforms, the ones you enjoy and that you can use to reach your audience.

Here’s the big challenge in choosing your platforms: you will be tempted to be EVERYWHERE. And it’s just not possible. When you see the big names being super active on every social media platform and doing “all the things,” remember that it took them a long time to build that up. And again, they have hired people to help with those things.

Don’t give into the idea that you have to be everywhere. First, focus on your website/blog, and email newsletter, and a couple of social media platforms. That’s more than enough to begin.

Daily Question: What platforms do you currently use to share your content, and where do you plan to expand in the next six months?