Milestone #3: Write Consistent Content That Helps Readers

So far we have talked about getting specific on your core message and audience, and building the platforms where you will share your content. Now let’s look at Milestone #3: Write consistent content that helps your readers.

Why it’s important: When you write consistent material, specifically blog posts, it helps your SEO (search engine optimization) and also builds an audience. It’s impossible to build an audience, and to create loyal readers, without actually producing content consistently.

This is a big problem for many writers. The consistency is what gives you credibility over time and allows you to build up a library of content. Believe me, I have been through times when I’ve not been consistent, and it really hurts your growth. It also makes it hard to feel motivated when you keep starting and stopping.

One of the great benefits of creating content consistently is that you can repurpose the material into other formats like podcasts, email newsletters, books, courses, speeches, training, and more.

The big challenge in doing all this is that it’s hard to stay steady. It’s very easy to get excited about your new material, or your new platform, and write for a while… then give up. If you can just stay consistent, you will be ahead of 95% of other writers, I guarantee.

As far as a schedule, I recommend a baseline of creating something once a week. More specifically, I’d recommend at least a 500-word blog post once a week. If you can do that for a year, you will have enough material for a book, if you have organized the material in such a way that you can compile it into a book.

Daily Question: What could your writing business look like a year from now if you wrote a blog post every week and shared it with others?