Milestone #7: Practice Key Habits for Wellness, Productivity & Success

Now we’ve come to the final milestone in The Writer’s Path, which is simply this: Practice key habits for wellness, productivity, and success.

Why it’s important: Without key habits, you will burn out or have some sort of a train wreck. I have seen it too many times in my life. I have even seen it the last few years with some writers and entrepreneurs I know who got very successful, then they crashed and burned in their personal lives.

We all intuitively know that good habits are important—habits related to our health, sleep, productivity, mindset, and so much more. But they are also easy to ignore, aren’t they?

In a way, this is similar to Stephen Covey’s seventh habit from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People—that habit is “sharpen the saw.” It’s tempting to cut and cut and cut… and then never sharpen the saw. When we try to cut down a tree without sharpening the blade, it’s much harder.

And that’s the big challenge of maintaining good life habits. They are easy to ignore. It’s easy to focus on creating, writing, and building a business, only to find yourself alienated from the people you love or in the hospital with a heart attack.

This is not really the 7th milestone in the sense that it’s sequential related to the other milestones. These are all just keys that need to be part of your writing business and life. Good habits are a key part of life no matter what stage of building your business you are in.

Daily Question: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself on having good habits? Be honest.