My Story of Traveling the Writer’s Path

Now that you have a basic idea of what The Writer’s Path is all about, I’d like to share my story of traveling this pathway myself.

I began blogging around 2007 or 2008. I had several blogs and was just writing for fun. I wanted to build a business but didn’t know how. I was a college professor and wanted to create more income to support my family.

Then, around 2010, I began following Dan Miller, the founder of the 48 Days brand. He emphasized building a business around your writing using multiple streams of income. I was intrigued and attended his “Write to the Bank” conference in 2012. As I continued to follow his teaching, as well as material from people like Cliff Ravenscraft, Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, and of course Dan Miller, I started to have a strong desire to create a business.

My first paid writing gig was writing podcast show notes for a client. That soon expanded into several clients. My business was growing slowly and I was also trying several other kinds of side businesses to see if I could make faster progress. I tried networking marketing, selling used books on Amazon, business consulting, and doing part-time church ministry. None of those were successful or greatly fulfilling.

During the same time, starting around 2015, I began writing books and hosting a podcast. Although I wasn’t making any money from those things, they gave me the desire to continue creating my own content. I saw lots of other people doing the same thing and making a great living, so I decided to keep plugging away at it.

In 2019, I was introduced to ghostwriting, which is where I have continued to focus most of my energy. As that side of my business has grown, I’ve also put a bigger focus on growing the side of my business that is the Daily Writer, which includes the podcast, a membership community, books—including the upcoming Daily Writer book—courses, and eventually, other products.

I really enjoy doing both client work and having my own material. I love having multiple streams of income. Some of them are very small right now but I think it’s important to get things started and then find ways to grow them. The Writer’s Path represents what I see others doing who are successful, as well as where I’m headed also.

My point in sharing this is to encourage you in your own journey. I believe you can do the exact same thing I have done. I’m not anyone special. I’m just highly motivated. If you feel the same motivation, you can be far more successful if you take consistent action and don’t give up.

Daily Question: What could your life and writing business be like three years from today if you took consistent action toward your goals?