New Series—The Writer’s Path: 7 Steps to Building a Writing Business

You might know (or maybe you don’t) that about a year ago, I left my full-time job as a college professor to do ghostwriting full-time. That’s my main gig, but I also run The Daily Writer Club, which is our membership community, as well as produce this daily podcast. I also write my own books.

Most writers have a desire to make money and build either a part-time or full-time career with their writing, so we’re going to lean into this topic for a while. As I’ve thought about my own journey and examined the journey of many other writers I know who have successful businesses, I’ve distilled it down into 7 key components.

Before I give you the 7 steps, let me share with you the key idea of what this is all about:

Key Idea: The Writer’s Path is a sequential, achievable process to help you build a multi-faceted, robust writing business based on a growing network and multiple streams of income.

Let’s break this down into 7 clear steps:

  1. Clarify a powerful message for a specific audience.
  2. Build the platforms where you will share your content.
  3. Write consistent content that helps your readers.
  4. Publish and market books that solve problems for your audience.
  5. Expand your network of friends, fans, and connections.
  6. Create streams of income based on your writing and services.
  7. Practice key habits for wellness, productivity, and success.

For the next couple of weeks, I’m going to give you an introduction to this concept of the Writer’s Path. Then, over the next few months, we will dive into each one of these steps in detail.

This material is part of a course I’m teaching right now in our Daily Writer Club, so if you’d like to dive into this material immediately and work through it with a group of positive, motivated writers, make sure to check it out by going to!

Daily Question: Do you want to build a business around your writing? If so, why?