Reading is Critical to Your Creativity

There is something quite magical about a book. Of course, you already know that since you’re a writer. You’re already committed to the art and craft of writing books.

But it’s interesting that so many writers don’t make a lot of time to read. We love books and are committed to creating them… but we struggle with fitting reading into our schedules.

Reading is a critical part of the creative process. Of course, we need to have other inputs as well, such as listening to great talks, watching videos and movies, seeing plays, and other ways to experience great art. But above all, we must read.

Here is a very simple method for reading more: take a book everywhere you go. Now, the truth is that if you have a smartphone and the Kindle app, you are already taking books with you. But let’s assume that you prefer reading print books, as most writers do.

It may seem strange to carry a book with you everywhere, but it works. Think of all the little spare moments you have throughout the day. Ten minutes here while you’re waiting to pick up your kid from school. Fifteen minutes there while you’re waiting to get your license renewed at the DMV. Five minutes here when you’re waiting for your husband or wife in the store. Twenty minutes there before your next Zoom call.

Mark Twain famously said, “A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.” You don’t necessarily need to block off huge chunks of time during the day to read. There are plenty of little moments here and there that will add up to thirty or even sixty minutes a day when you can expand your mind and fill your creative well with the amazing power of reading.