Save Loads of Time with Dictation

One of the best and worst things ever invented was the smartphone.

It can be the worst thing because of all the distractions lurking on your phone. The notifications, games, email, and social media beckon to you every second. If smartphones were designed to be addictive, they are doing a great job.

Yet, it’s also the best thing because of the convenience. This is especially true when it comes to options for getting your writing done faster. If you have never tried dictating your content, you are missing out on a fun and easy way to be a lot more productive.

I often dictate material for this podcast, as well as my books and blog. It works like this. I have a rough outline of what I want to say, then I go for a walk and dictate. When you use the speech to text button on your phone, it magically creates text out of what you’re speaking. If you take a little time to learn commands like “new line” or “new paragraph,” it’s even more effective.

The app you use doesn’t matter that much. I usually use the Scrivener app. It syncs perfectly with the desktop version of the app. But you can use the Notes app, an email app, Evernote, or any other app where you can input text.

Dictation usually requires you to clean it up later, so the editing can take a little more time. But I consider the editing a second pass on the material, which, of course, improves it. Another added benefit is that if you dictate while walking, your brain will be more energetic because you’re moving while you’re thinking and talking.

If you’ve never tried dictating content for your book or blog, give it a shot. I think you’ll enjoy a different way to create material, and it will also save you time.