Self-Doubt is Part of the Deal

The problem with being human is that we are stuck in our own bodies. We can sense our own emotions. We are aware of what we are thinking and feeling… but it’s a guessing game as to what other people are thinking and feeling. 

Therefore, when we feel negative emotions like fear or doubt, we wonder if we’re the only ones going through it. We secretly imagine that everybody else is confident and secure, and we’re the only ones who are feeling a little shaky. 

But rest assured, every other writer feels the same way. It’s part of the deal of being a writer. The screenwriter and producer Brian Koppelman said, “Self-doubt goes hand-in-hand with self-expression. Tune it out for two hours and day, and you’ll have a finished screenplay.” 

The real question is not whether you’re alone in feeling self-doubt. Of course, you’re not alone. Everyone else goes through it as well. 

Instead, the real question is whether you will follow through on your writing, on your work, and on what you have been called to do as a creator. If you do that on a consistent basis, you’ll have a finished work in your hand before you know it.