Self-Publishing Expert Honorée Corder on the Best Book Marketing Strategies

When you talk to writers, there are certain themes that come up repeatedly in conversations. One of those themes is that authors know they need to market their books, but get confused about how, when, and where to start.

I’m thrilled today to have a guest who is not only the #1 expert on self-publishing… she’s also a bona fide expert on book marketing, as well. You can scour the internet, and I promise you will not find anyone who has more experience, credibility, or success when it comes to publishing and marketing their own books and creating a multi-layered, successful business from their ideas.

Her name is Honorée Corder, and she is the author of dozens of books, including: You Must Write a Book, The Prosperous Writers book series, Vision to Reality, Business Dating, The Successful Single Mom book series, and many more.

Next week, she’s releasing her brand-new book, You Must Market Your Book: Increase Your Impact, Sell More Books, and Make More Money. This is a fantastic book that is concise, to-the-point, and exactly what you need to start selling more books.

I would be hard-pressed to say there is anyone who has had more impact on my mindset and growth over the last couple of years than Honorée. I’m in my second year of her amazing Empire Builders Mastermind, and it has truly been life-changing.

In this interview, we dive into a few topics in her new book, You Must Market Your Book, including: where book marketing really begins, how to think like a business person, how to market with your book, and much more.

You can get the book now on Amazon via this link, and I highly recommend signing up for Honorée’s extremely helpful email list at