So Good They Can’t Ignore You

One of the hardest things for any of us writers to swallow is being ignored.

We work for months, or in some cases years, on a book. Then. when we put it out into the world, there’s no guarantee anyone will see it or read it. Unless, of course, you do the marketing.

This is not unique to writers. Anyone in a creative field, or anyone trying to build a career for that matter, faces this hurdle. How do you get people to sit up and take notice? How do you draw attention to what you are building?

The comedian Steve Martin famously said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” The simplicity of this statement is stunning. Those seven words contain the secret of getting noticed, building an audience, and all the other things writers and creatives want.

It’s worth asking ourselves whether we are committed enough to our writing craft to keep going until people notice us.

Are we willing to put in the early mornings and late nights?

Are we willing to keep rewriting and editing until it’s as good as we can possibly make it?

Are we willing to learn marketing skills to help your book have the best chance at success?

The answer to those kinds of questions will determine whether people will ignore us… or if they will eventually sit up and take notice.

It’s the willingness to do the work and to keep getting better—not necessarily your level of talent—that makes all the difference.

Today’s Challenge: Have you committed to becoming so good they can’t ignore you?