Start Writing Today: Journaling

In this week’s shorter episodes, I’ll share five ways to start writing today. If you are struggling with what or how to write, this will be immensely valuable. If you know what you want to write but haven’t yet started, this will help you get moving.

And if you’re already writing and have a clear direction, this will add to your creative arsenal and keep you moving when you get blocked.

A great way to start writing today is journaling.

I know a lot of people will dismiss journaling as a waste of time. Why? Because by definition, journaling is private and others will probably not see what you write there. Those who dismiss journaling assume that everything you write should be for public consumption.

But that’s not true at all.

It’s important for you to explore and experiment with your writing. When you reserve some writing time only for yourself, you can do that without judgment. It also gives you the opportunity to try things without it needing to be connected with your business or audience.

If you don’t have a regular journaling habit, I recommend starting with this very simple approach: Write one page a day for five straight days. Don’t stop writing, don’t analyze, and don’t overthink. Just write what comes to mind.

The whole exercise should only take 5-10 minutes per day, max. When you get into the flow and let your creative mind take over without judging or censoring your thoughts, you will be amazed at what comes out. We spend so much time thinking about other people’s perceptions of our writing that it’s hard to get out of the habit of censoring ourselves.

Journaling is a very simple way to begin writing without the fear of what others will think. Give this a try and you’ll immediately see the value of it.

Question: How could journaling help you process your experiences and experiment with your writing?