The Productive Writer: Create a “Stop Doing” List

Today, we’re concluding a short series on being more productive. Most people, including myself, create a task list each day. We also call this a “to-do” list. These are things we feel we must get done. In a world that increasingly demands our attention every second—in a world filled with ever-increasing opportunities and connections—this list … Read more

The Productive Writer: Conquer Writer’s Block

Today, I’m introducing a short week-long series on becoming a more productive writer. Let’s talk about the biggest perceived productivity killer: writer’s block. Whatever you’re working on right now, you’re bound to get stuck at some point. When you stumble upon “writer’s block,” here are ten tips to keep the words flowing. Lower your standards. … Read more

Is It Helping You Get the Writing Done?

Here is a question to consider: what activities actually produce writing? This is not a trick question, but a serious one. Why? Because it’s easy for us to fall under the spell of doing writing-related activities while secretly avoiding the hard work of writing. There’s that course to take, that writing group to be involved … Read more