Writing is Just a Job

This week, we are celebrating the release of the book The Faith of Elvis, which I co-wrote with Billy Stanley, Elvis Presley’s stepbrother. Here on the podcast, I’m sharing a few lessons I’ve learned from working on this project. If you pick up the book this week or anytime in the future, you’ll notice that … Read more

Choose Your Model

It’s a blessing and a curse to live in the internet age. It’s a blessing, of course, because we have access to unlimited knowledge and connections. There are a million options for where you want to take your writing business or creativity. This also represents a curse because, well, too many options is overwhelming. It’s … Read more

John Bucher: Learning to Tell a Better Story

We’ve talked about it many times here on the podcast, but it always bears repeating: one of the most powerful skills you can learn is storytelling. We are wired as humans to tell, and to crave, powerful stories. My guest today is John Bucher. He is a mythologist, writer, and storyteller based out of Hollywood, … Read more